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Portfolio Update as at 29 March 2024
Please see below issued by the Services Provider today with a Portfolio Update as at 29 March 2024: Dear Shareholder EEA Life Settlements Fund PCC Limited (the “Fund”) Portfolio Update as at 29 March 2024 At the reporting date of 29 March 2024, the Fund held 29 life insurance policies with a total net death benefit of $101.6 million. The average policy size (net death benefit) was approximately US$3.50 million. The portfolio covered 17 illnesses, 19 lives and 15 insurance companies. Based upon weighted net death benefit, 97% of the portfolio was represented by insureds who were aged 80 or over…
Receipt of $10.2 Million from Class Action Settlement
In January the Fund received $10.2 million from the successful class action settlement of Brach Family Foundation, Inc. et al v. AXA Equitable Life Insurance Co. No 16 Civ 740 (JMF) (SDNY). The case concerned allegations of contract breaches and misrepresentations by AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company related to cost of insurance rate increases in 2015. The receipt is reflected in the January 2024 valuation.
Portfolio Update as at 29 December 2023
Please see below issued by the Services Provider today with a Portfolio Update as at 29 December 2023: Dear Shareholder EEA Life Settlements Fund PCC Limited (the “Fund”) Portfolio Update as at 29 December 2023 At the reporting date of 29 December 2023, the Fund held 31 life insurance policies with a total net death benefit of $103.3 million. The average policy size (net death benefit) was approximately US$3.33 million. The portfolio covered 18 illnesses, 20 lives and 17 insurance companies.Based upon weighted net death benefit, 95.17% of the portfolio was represented by insureds who were aged…
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